According to Apple Insider,iPhone 6 Plus has a major bugs and company should start recall


Info! Report cites Apple engineer discussing an undisclosed problem with the iPhone 6 Plus that Apple is yet to acknowledge

Samsung launched a global recall of its explosive Note 7 phablet and Apple should do the same for the iPhone 6 Plus, a former company engineer is quoted as saying in a new report.

WSFA 12 News cites a former Apple insider, whose name was not disclosed, as saying that Cupertino launched the iPhone 6 Plus with a major bug that the company is yet to acknowledge, explaining that many customers are already experiencing it, and the firm is doing nothing about it.

According to this report, the bug seems to be causing issues similar to the famous “touch disease,” leading to screen flickering on affected models.

But although it might seem like the display is at fault, the technician explains that this isn’t the case, but the main logic board that should be replaced by Apple. He calls for Cupertino to start a global recall of the iPhone 6 Plus, as customers spend hundreds of dollars on repairs that usually involve replacing the screen, only to experience the same issue after a while.

"It is not the display that's causing it," the technician was quoted as saying. "It's the actual main logic board that the display attaches to. Somewhere in there is actually causing that display to flicker."

$300 repairs to the screen

iPhones that are no longer covered by warranty receive repairs that usually cost $300 at Apple Store, but what the company does is replace the display with another one. But given the fact that the logic board is the one causing the issue, the same problem will appear after a while once again, the company insider warns.

"We would be replacing the displays, as per Apple, and we would have these customers coming back and back and back," he said. "It is an inherent defect. This has been happening since at least last summer."

The aforementioned source also quotes an owner of a repair center as saying that three to four complaints of faulty iPhone 6 Plus units are received every day, emphasizing that the device "should be recalled."

Although these people call for Apple to launch a recall of the iPhone 6 Plus, this is very unlikely, especially because the company has until now refused to comment and all these cases have almost gone unnoticed.

It remains to be seen if Cupertino releases a statement this time given the new information provided by an alleged insider, but given the fact that only anonymous sources are cited, take this with a healthy pinch of salt.



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MOUNT TECH: According to Apple Insider,iPhone 6 Plus has a major bugs and company should start recall
According to Apple Insider,iPhone 6 Plus has a major bugs and company should start recall
iphone6s bugs,recall
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